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Young talents

In order to attract new employees who share our values, we pay special attention to young talents.

Student internships


Students have the opportunity to gain practical knowledge in the field that interests them most in many sectors of the company, as well as to get acquainted with various tasks and processes in the company, with the support of mentors for three months. Also, internships for students are realized within the operational teams at Nikola Tesla Airport. After this period of practice, a large number of student interns got the opportunity to start their careers in our company.


Over 100 students of the Aviation Academy have practical classes in our company.

My first salary


The program of the Government of the Republic of Serbia "My first salary" is implemented by the National Employment Service with the support of the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veterans and Social Affairs, the Ministry of Finance, the Office for IT and Electronic Administration and the Serbian Chamber of Commerce.


The candidates who joined Air Serbia are mostly from the Faculty of Economics, Law and Transport. Also represented are FON, the Faculty of Economics, Finance and Administration, the Faculty of Political Science, the Military Academy, the Faculty of Business, the Faculty of Business Studies, Singidunum, the Higher School of Electrical Engineering and Computing of Vocational Studies and the Aviation Academy.

Program participants are engaged in the following units in the company: Revenue Management, E-Commerce Services, Transformation, Revenue Control and Payment Models, Financial Planning and Control, Accounting and Reporting, Costs, IT Sector, HR Operations and HR Business Partners, Technicians-Supply Chain, Aviation Security Service and in Ground Service.


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Mandatory field
Mandatory field
Mandatory field
Mandatory field


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Лични подаци


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Поље је обавезно за попуњавање
Поље је обавезно за попуњавање
Поље је обавезно за попуњавање


Поље је обавезно за попуњавање


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Без бриге. Само нам пошаљи свој имејл и послаћемо ти линк за креирање нове лозинке.

Mandatory field

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