
Имаћеш више могућности
уз креиран профил.




Get on board, we're taking off!

On this flight, you will learn more about the selection process in our company.

We are aware that changing jobs or getting a job for the first time is a challenge and getting out of the comfort zone for most people. Changing your work environment and daily habits is not easy. Then there are many questions, from what the selection process looks like, to how to fit into the team and the culture of the organization you come to. The recruitment and selection process in our company aims to provide the most important resource for achieving results and progress, and that is the employees.


We know and believe that only together can we achieve great success and overcome all obstacles along the way.

That is why we invite you to get information about the selection process for different positions in our company. The selection process differs and adjusts according to the position you are applying for. We take every selection process thoroughly and seriously.




Our pilots are in charge of getting all passengers to their desired destination with a high level of safety and comfort.


If you have always dreamed of operating a national airline aircraft and being part of a team that flies to various destinations around the world, then this is the ideal position for you.


Hiring steps:


  1. Application on the site - interested candidates for pilot positions in our company can apply on our site, where it is necessary to submit a basic information and CV (resume).
  2. Selection of adequate candidates - for the initial selection of registered candidates, colleagues from the fleet management are in charge. Fleet managers evaluate the registered candidates on the basis of defined parameters and set competition conditions. After the initial selection, candidates are invited to the next stage of the selection process.
  3. Technical test and psychological tests - in order to better evaluate the candidates in that phase, technical and psychological testing of candidates is conducted. The technical and technical knowledge of pilots is assessed through a technical test. Psychological testing assesses the cognitive abilities of the candidate, as well as the ways of thinking, behaving and feeling.
  4. Simulator test - in order to meet the high requirements of the profession in terms of safety and efficiency, the assessment of future aviation professionals in our company must be shown on the simulator, which is a practical part of assessing the knowledge and skills of candidates.
  5. HR interview - represents the last step towards employment in our company. Colleagues from Human Resources at the final interview, through the assessment of competencies, assess how much the candidate would fit into the organizational culture, as well as what are the expectations of the candidates regarding the work in our company.

By working together, we will create
an exceptional airline.


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Mandatory field
Mandatory field
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