
There are more possibilities
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Corporate sales

Air Serbia offers corporate deals to legal entities on all scheduled flights operated by the airline. A Corporate Discount Travel Offer grants clients a discount on airfares, along with additional benefits on fare rules.

Corporate sales


Submit request

How to make reservations?

Reservation and purchase of airline tickets may be carried out through Air Serbia’s Contact Center, through the NDC platform, or through your contracted travel agent. The corporate offer may be on a local level, Pan-European or Global – depending on your business activities requirements.  


If you are interested in cooperating with Air Serbia, it would be our pleasure to receive your non-binding inquiry on the form.


Please also see the document defining the cooperation.

*Excluded from discounts are special promotional fares.


¡Reserve más barato con un perfil en línea! Regístrese y obtenga un 10% de descuento en el precio del billete, sin incluir tasas aeroportuarias.

Mandatory field
Mandatory field
Mandatory field
Mandatory field


Se necesita más información para crear un perfil

Datos personales


Es obligatorio completar la casilla
Es obligatorio completar la casilla
Es obligatorio completar la casilla
Es obligatorio completar la casilla


Es obligatorio completar la casilla

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