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Useful tips

The first thing you need to do before starting to look actively for a job is to prepare well.

As a serious and responsible employer who wants to attract the best candidates, we want to help you prepare and to give you some advice on how to act and what to pay attention to even before sending a CV to a potential employer.

Active job search



1. Set your goals and priorities


To understand better your business goals, either short-term or long-term ones, try to answer these questions:

  • What do I want to do?
  • What skills do I have?
  • What do I like doing?
  • What job characteristics are important to me?


2. Prepare your CV/resume


Always bear in mind when writing your CV, that employers may spend very little time on it. We therefore recommend you to pay special attention to the following:

  • Adjust your CV to the requirements of the position you are applying for, so there is a better chance for you to be invited to a job interview.
  • Update your CV regularly (add completed schools and courses in the meantime). If it is not provided in the CV, it cannot be taken into account.
  • Make sure your CV is short, concise and clear. Make your CV look like a “teaser” for motivating employers to invite you for a job interview.


3. Be active


It is useful to monitor active advertisements on employment websites and websites of attractive employers, subscribe to the mailing lists of websites of recruitment agencies, follow social networks and take all other preparatory steps to ensure that information on vacancies reaches you in time.


4. Develop your personal and professional capacities


When you are looking for a job, do not just send your CV and wait to be invited for an interview. Instead, dedicate your time to personal and professional development – attend informal education courses, seminars, lectures, read expert literature on the internet and similar. Not only will it increase your chance of employment, but you will also develop yourself personally, achieve better results, build your self-esteem, and make better progress in general.


5. Search for internship


Working experience is always highly valued by employers. If you are at the very beginning of your career and do not have much working experience, we suggest you look for an internship in a company, get involved in a program of student or youth organizations or start volunteering.


6. Tell friends and business contacts you are looking for a job


When you are looking for a job, always inform your friends, family, university colleagues, business contacts etc. Additionally, LinkedIn, employment fairs etc. are great places to expand your business network. Finding recommendations and widening your business network is not the same as finding a job through personal connections.

Drafting a CV



The first contact achieved with a potential employer starts by sending a CV.


The competition is huge and the purpose of a well-written CV is to distinguish you from other candidates. If your CV is adjusted to the requirements and needs of the position you are applying for, it will mean a better chance for you to be invited for a job interview.


The purpose of the CV is to present you at your best. There are many ways to compose a CV, but always make sure that it is concise, informative, well-structured and clear.




Alongside the text, it is desirable to include a decent business photograph in your CV.


Personal data


Name and surname, e-mail address and contact telephone number.


Working experience


This is the central and most important part of your CV. List the companies you worked for, period of employment, your assignments and duties, key results, etc.

You should not write redundantly, regardless of your rich work experience. Make sure you described only the most important details and experiences relevant for the position you are applying for.




First list the highest education level completed, with the name of the institution, course, time periods, degrees, scholarships, average grade (if it is over 8.00), exceptional results and prizes.


Courses and seminars


If you do not have working experience, apart from the education section this part of your CV should hold a central place.

In this way you present yourself as a person who is ready to take initiatives and constantly develop.


Computer skills


Computer competence is mandatory for most positions. In most cases it is sufficient to have competence of the MS Office package (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) and the internet, unless you are applying for a position that requires specific skills and knowledge.


Language skills


List all languages you speak and the level of knowledge. If you have completed a language course, state the institution, certificate or diploma and the level of knowledge acquired.




This part of your resume is reserved for your specific interests and hobbies that speak about the qualities that will distinguish you from others.

Preparing for an interview



If you have passed the first selection round and are invited for an interview, the next step is to prepare for meeting your potential employer.


Being nervous before the interview is alright, because everyone wants to present themselves at their best and leave a good impression.


However, the better you prepare the more self-confident you will be. Here are a few tips regarding your job interview:


Learn about your potential employer


To leave a good impression, you should first learn about your employer on the Internet, from friends, business contacts etc. Another reason for this is so you can be sure that this is the right company for you.

Learn about the most frequent questions and prepare answers to these. Prepare your own relevant questions for the employer.


Body language


A very important part of the job interview. A full 70% of the impression you leave in direct contact is non-verbal communication.

It is not advisable to do anything that would give away your nervousness (play with your hair or tie, jiggle your feet etc.). Try to keep eye contact, listen carefully, nod and do not interrupt.




Every company has its own dress code.

Before you come for a job interview, learn about the rules and codes of that company.

Do not wear jeans, trainers or otherwise inappropriate clothes (messy, torn, too short or provocative).


Speak calmly and rationally


Always take some time to think before answering a question and make sure your answers are clear, specific and have confidence of what you are saying.

First day at work



You passed all the steps and the time has come for your first day at work. The first day is an opportunity to make a good impression on your employer and future colleagues.


Although it is not objective, the first impression is most often what sticks and follows you later for a long time. You need to pay attention to the following:


Technical preparations


Before you come to your new workplace, make an effort to learn all necessary procedures (passwords, passes etc.), fill in all necessary forms and read carefully all corporate brochures that have been available to you.

Ask ahead whom you need to present yourself to.




At the interview, pay attention to how your new colleagues dress and use that when choosing your outfit for your first day on the new job.

It is recommended that you dress appropriately and wear business attire at your first day at work.


Arrive on time


The new employer has certainly pointed out when you need to come to work on your first day. Surprise them by arriving at least ten minutes earlier.

Leave for your new work early enough in the morning so that traffic jams or other unpredictable events cannot surprise you. If you have more time coming to work you will have more energy to deal with specific tasks.

In the business world, being on time reflects organizational skills and the trustworthiness of an employee. Being late often reflects a series of other shortcomings that most employers do not want in their teams.


Be in a good mood


You should be self-confident and enthusiastic in your new job, combine a professional approach with an easy-going attitude. Make sure you remember the names of your colleagues, repeat them when meeting them.

Feel free to ask questions – it is normal that you need help from your colleagues to find your bearings in the new surroundings.

A good impression on the first day means also presenting yourself as a pleasant and friendly person. Greet everyone you meet with a moderate warm smile and reasonably firm handshake.


Get to know the surroundings


Find out where to locate the rest room and the restaurant etc. If you share some equipment with your colleagues, learn about handling and putting away the equipment – what goes where.

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